Lastly, confirm that Candy Crush Saga is no longer in your Start Menu.Repeat step 2 to verify that it uninstalled successfully (the command should now return nothing).A teal-colored text dialog should come up showing the removal process, and then uninstall should be complete.Just click Unpin from Start instead to get rid of the tile if you don’t see an. In some cases, tiles for suggested apps may just be pinned and the app may not yet be installed. The app will be immediately removed from your system. Type Remove-AppxPackage (include trailing space) and paste the PackageFullName that you copied in step 4, then press Enter. To get rid of these apps, just open your Start menu, right-click their tiles, and select Uninstall.Copy the PackageFullName by left-clicking and dragging to highlight it, then right-click in the PowerShell window to copy the selected text.Look for the "PackageFullName" line in the result that comes up it should be something similar to 圜rushSaga_1.540.1.0_x86_khqwnzmzfus32.At the prompt, type Get-AppxPackage -Name 圜rushSaga and press Enter (TIP: to copy/paste that command, copy as usual, then just right-click in the PowerShell window to paste).Click in the search box in your Taskbar and type powershell select "Windows Powershell" (not "Windows Powershell ISE" if that shows up).Instead, you have to use the Windows PowerShell to remove it. Since Candy Crush Saga is a preinstalled application, you won't find it in the "Programs and Features" control panel to be removed.